Do you need to know which students are returning to school under Level 3?
Kindo works with schools and families to simplify school life. So we’ve put together a Quick Guide for Kindo schools with exactly how to gather that information, using the myKindo application already used and loved by families.
With Kindo your caregivers can ‘book in’ the days their children will be attending… and you can simply view the student list.
• Caregivers can select one or more dates and ‘book ahead’ easily
• Caregivers can cancel dates if things change
• You can offer time slots that make sense for your school (eg. “9am-3pm Full Day” or a half day option)
• Set up cut off times for each day (eg. 4pm the day prior)
• Provide information on screen and emailed (such as the expectations under Level 3, how it will work)
• Link to an update page for updating Emergency Contacts on your website
• Access a daily list of students and look forward to future dates also
Of course, taking your shop orders and school payments online is all part of Kindo too, so if your Canteen or Uniform Shop needs to get online fast, we can help with that as well. Let us help you quickly establish appropriate distancing during COVID-19 with Kindo.
Get in touch if you’d like to know more.
Tel. 09-869 5200 or tollfree 0508 454 636