Helping families support each other financially

Hot on the heels of the 2023 NZSTA Conference, a Kindo school asked us how they could implement the NZSTA recommendation: enabling families to support other families in need. With the rapid growth of the cost of living in 2023, many families are doing it tough and need our help more than ever. No child should ever have to miss out on school items or activities.


Clearly this is not something that can be ‘billed’ and adding an invitation to pay into the bank account creates more administration.

After the success of checkout gifting for KidsCan on Kindo, we can now offer families the opportunity to ‘pay it forward’ within their own school. We believe all tamariki should have the opportunity to thrive and engage in their education and this is just one way we can help!


Kindo provides many opportunities for parents to see the ”pay it forward” option as they carry out their own school admin such as fee payments, sports registrations, ordering lunch and so on!

How does it work?

Many Kindo schools have “Pay It Forward” as a shopping menu item already. Alternatively, this can now be added to display at the time of checkout, making it even more visible.


Your school controls the images, items, and values so you can make it as relevant as possible. For example, “Camp contribution for another student”. As parents shop for items or carry out transactions for their own students, they can select a ‘pay it forward’ donation amount or item to be added to their cart. They then pay for this alongside their other items when they check out.


This money will be coded and paid to the school automatically, for your allocation towards items, school trips and events that some other families within their school might find it hard to pay.

Implement checkout gifting at your school

Both KidsCan checkout gifting and our ‘pay it forward’ checkout gifting are available to all schools who use the Kindo platform and has proved to be extremely popular amongst families, raising thousands of dollars.

Please get in touch if your school would like help to add this function into your Kindo platform or if you would like an information pack about Kindo.

checkout gifting + funding student success

Article by Zoe Wood - Marketing & Sales Manager