A fresh new look!

new look for myKindo users

Introducing a fresh new look for Kindo & ezlunch parents!

After a lot of research, development, and testing, we are excited to share with you the launch of the new myKindo web interface!
With its fresh new look and enhanced features, it’s easier than ever for parents to navigate, further simplifying school life and saving them time.
Benefits for schools with Kindo Payables include parents landing on a page showing the school donations and fees that are due straight after they log in. We have also added an extra reminder to prompt parents to pay these on the way to checkout too.

These features help students thrive by increasing the collection of fees and donations! 

What can you expect from the new improved Kindo?

For schools

  • After log in, parents will land on a page showing the donations and fees your school has requested (via Kindo Payables) and receive a reminder of these again before they can checkout, increasing the liklihood that they will pay them
  • You can set a ‘message of the day’ that shows on the home page
  • Better school branding with your school logo displayed at the top
  • You can also add your own school image to the homepage (coming soon).

For parents

  • A fresh, new look with better navigation
  • They will land on a page showing a ‘message of the day’ from their school
  • Landing page will also show them the school donations and fees that are due
  • There is an extra reminder about fees & donations on the way to checkout
  • New item search & sort function e.g. sort lunch by dietary requirement
  • Clearer cart layout showing what item has been purchased for each person
  • Faster and easier checkout flow for a better shopping experience
  • Better visibility of which items are available and which aren’t
  • Easier process for ordering lunches for multiple days
  • Larger images on items making it easier for them to see what they are buying
  • Ezlunch services will grouped into a tab along top called “ezlunch” making the other services easier to use.
  • A service fee of 50 cents per lunch will now be added to ezlunch orders for parents (ezlunch only).

We created a video to show school communities how the new myKindo interface will work for them.
We would love for you to take a look here.

Funding student success + helping students thrive.

Article by Zoe Wood - Marketing & sales manager.