How much extra funding could your school get from donations rebates?

Take a minute to do the math.
Re-gifting community donations via Kindo

By partnering with Supergenerous, Kindo enables donors to automate the process of claiming donation rebates and re-gifting them to the school as a new donation.

Over multiple years, a one-off donation becomes a compound gift to your school. So parents are able to increase school support without paying a cent more.

Kindo handles all the critical receipting, and admin, making it easy for schools and parents.

What could your school receive?

Frequently Asked Questions

Re-gifting is a simple concept, but the reality is a lot of admin. That’s why most parents and schools don’t bother. Kindo has partnered with Supergenerous to fully automate and simplify the process, while maximising the number of parents that opt in.

Most parents are very open to supporting their children’s school. Kindo prompts registration at the time parents donate, which has been shown to multiply uptake by up to 10%.
As long as you’re set up with Kindo for school donations and receipts, we will provide all the communications plus a very user-friendly process to get things moving.
They’re the experts in facilitating donation rebate claims for charities and schools, with all the systems to claim on the donors behalf and donate the funds back to your school. They handle the IRD side while Kindo makes it easy for your school. You can choose to partner with Supergenerous and offer to your school community.

There’s no up-front cost. Supergenerous take a small fee for any rebates they obtain from the IRD. Kindo charges our standard service fee to schools who are using our platform for donations and receipts.

Act now! Ensure you’re set up with Kindo for donation rebates, and the systems can be in place to ensure a stream of compounding rebates that grow your school’s funds for years to come.
Unleash the potential of compounding returns

With Kindo you can turn a $100 donation into over $140. The process is kick-started when the caregiver appoints Supergenerous to manage their donation tax rebates and authorises them to gift it back to the school.

For example:

  • Parent pays $100 donation to your school via Kindo.
  • Kindo prompts one-off registration with partners.
  • Parent qualifies for 33% tax rebate on $100 donation.
  • …and agrees to leave donation with school (re-gifting)
  • …which triggers another rebate in year 2, and again in years 3, and so on until the donation is less than $5.
  • Total donation compounds to over $140 within three years

Total donation compounds to over $140 within three years.

Our Partner

Supergenerous is an online platform taking the hassle out of claiming for good. Parents can sign up to automate their school, charity and religious donation rebates for the past four years all in one place – with the option to supercharge their impact by regifting rebates back to the causes they care about.

If your school is already using Kindo to collect donations and provide receipts…

Simply choose Supergenerous to handle the process of submitting and claiming donations from the IRD. Kindo will help you engage with your school community and make it easy for them to re-gift donation rebates back to the school.

Request an information pack

If you’re a Kindo school but are not using our platform for donations…

Talk to us about setting up Kindo donation receipts and encouraging parents to opt-in for donation rebates. Act now, and we can get everything sorted for next year and beyond.

Request an information pack

If you’re not
yet with Kindo…

Ask us how Kindo can make school payments easier for parents and administrators. Act now, and we can set you up for automated donation rebates for next year and beyond.

Learn more about Kindo

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