Xero Rapid Integration

Kindo takes Xero integration one step further than most, saving you hours of time!

Woman with online forms

Kindo's Xero draft invoice integration has absolutely blown me away. It was super easy to create each invoice individually and saves a lot of time. Thanks so much, I'm loving how it works.
Janet Carmichael, Accounts, Murray’s Bay Intermediate

Kindo collates multiple payments into one large deposit

Kindo reduces the reconciliation workload in accounting systems, by collating individual bank payments into a large single batch payment that is sent to the school each day or week. Automatically coded and sorted for easy reporting, instead of the school having to keep track of hundreds of individual payments.

Create your Xero draft invoice in seconds

With one click of a button from Kindo, your Xero draft invoice will be created. Your invoice will be automatically broken down and sorted into categories by Kindo.  All you need to do is match the invoice total with the Kindo deposit received for the day or week.


Ledger codes that you’ve added onto Kindo items during setup, will display in Xero alongside total amounts received. The Kindo fee and any cash you’ve entered via Kindo POS will be handled correctly. Even refunds will be set up within the draft invoice.


There’s no need to spend hours coding multiple individual student deposits in Xero. Kindo takes away all the administrative burden!


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The Xero draft invoice integration has absolutely blown me away. I'm very excited. This is going to save so much time, it’s going to be a game-changer."
Business Manager, Whangaparaoa College.

Does your school offer
Kindo already?

Kindo is available in many schools across New Zealand… for ezlunch, PTA fundraisers, canteens, uniform, collecting sports registrations and school costs. Chances are, there’s a whole lot more your school could use it for. We offer automated donation rebate collection, ezlunch rebates, checkout gifting, DIY fundraising… we even have fundraising partners, set up and ready to go immediately.